Habit Coach Certification

Master the power of habits for yourself and for your clients.

Enroll Today

How Habit Coach Certification Will Help You

For Existing Coaches

Do you already have coach training, for example ICF? Habit Coaching powers your clients to turn goals and intentions into consistent action. Think of it as coaching for the time between sessions.

For New Coaches

Are you looking to become a coach? Habit coaching is a simple way to understand the power of a coach to facillitate massive personal growth for any client.

Grow Your Coaching Business

Habit coaching can be a simple onramp to a coach/client relationship because it is affordable, accessible and presents clients with a clear promised outcome: a new habit.

Benefit From Our Experience

Habit Certification is an eight week course, each week with live instruction, office hours, a powerful learning exercise, and the support of peer coaches in your cohort. Your instructor has coached more than 1,000 habit clients. As a company, we invented the field of habit coaching in 2015 and have trained thousands of coaches and coached tens of thousands clients.

"This program is exquisite. You can't fail."
"The amount of information. The degree that we were held accountable. The sincere genuine care. Amazing."
"This community and the world really needs what you have to offer."


Week 1

The Habit Coaching Paradox: starting small, curiosity, consistency, iteration

Week 2

Focus on your Uniqueness: Turning your coaching specialty into a keystone habit

Week 3

First Four: Coaches will focus on starting at least 4 new habit clients

Week 4

Crafting Introductions: Momentum Method thinking and initial assessment

Week 5

Diagnosing obstacles: Using the Open Gates Method to unblock any problem.

Week 6

Habit Layering: Building on top of keystone habits and guiding ambitious clients.

Week 7

Sparking Interaction: Navigating encouragement, reengagement, and doubling down on active listening.

Week 8

Building your coaching practice: Developing your coaching rhythm, building your library, keeping notes, pricing.

Sign Up for Habit Coach Certification

Join our netx 8-week live cohort:

HCC16 Starts Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
Saturdays - 9am US Central Time
September 10 - October 29
Graduation - Saturday, November 18
Sign up here

Alternatively, join our new HCC on-demand program.
You can start this program anytime and go through it at your own pace.
The expectation is that it will take at least 5 weeks to pass the final certification exam.
Sign up here
